Main Prizes: First Place, Finalist, and Best Beginner Prize

At HackOR, all projects are automatically entered in the main competition:

First place - winning team of this year's HackOR hackathon

Winner of the 2021 HackOR Hackathon!

Finalists - top 12 teams (including first place) of the hackathon

Finalist teams of the HackOR hackathon!

Additionally, students who are eligible and entered their project via the beginner track are also eligible for:

Best Beginner Hack

You can enter your project through this special category via Devpost when you submit your project. Reminder that only students who qualify for being a beginner can enter this track, however, including: first time hackathon attendee, first-time/beginner coder, etc.

Category Prizes

Along with these main prizes, we also have hackathon categories that you can enter your project for. Each project can be entered in up to any amount of these category prizes, as long as you follow the submission criteria for each.

Can I apply for Multiple Category Prizes?

Yes! Simply check off all the categories you would like to apply for in the Devpost project submission!

HackOR Category Prizes